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Earl St. Vincent's Testimony of Approbation 1800 Medal
Alexander Davison's Medal for the Nile 1798, bronze-gilt, NCO's issue
Naval General Service Medal 1793-1840, (1) clasp "Egypt"
Naval General Service Medal 1793-1840, (1) clasp, Basque Roads 1809
Naval General Service Medal 1793-1840, (1) clasp "St. Domingo", to Bosun's Mate Browne, unique name
Naval General Service Medal 1793-1840, 1 clasp, St. Domingo, H.M.S. Superb
Naval General Service Medal 1793-1840, 1 clasp, Java
Naval General Service Medal 1793-1840, 1 clasp, Gluckstadt 5 Jany 1814
Naval General Service Medal 1793-1840, clasp, Gluckstadt 5 Jany 1814 to a Midshipman, H.M.S. Desirée
Naval General Service Medal 1793-1840, 1 clasp, Syria to a Gunroom Steward, HMS Pique
Naval General Service Medal 1793-1840, 1 clasp, Syria to a Royal Marine
Naval General Service Medal 1793-1840, (2) clasps, Curacoa and St Sebastian, to Hardy, a Royal Marine from Glamorgan
Naval General Service Medal 1793-1840, (2) clasps, Nassau 22 March 1808, Algiers
Naval General Service Medal 1793-1840, (2) clasps, Martinique and Guadaloupe to a Ship's Master
Naval General Service 1793-1840, (9) clasps, Royal Mint Specimen
Military General Service Medal 1793-1814, (1) clasp, Maida, to Lt. Colonel Charles Thompson, 27th Foot
Military General Service Medal 1793-1814, (1) clasp, Fuentes D’Onor to a Captain, 30th Foot
Military General Service Medal 1793-1814, (1) clasp, Toulouse, to a Quatermaster, Royal Horse Guards
Military General Service Medal 1793-1814, (1) clasp, Sahagun & Benevente to 3rd Hussars, King's German Legion
Military General Service Medal 1793-1814, (2) clasps, Vittoria, Toulouse to The 10th Hussars
Military General Service Medal 1793-1814, (4) clasps to 18th Hussars, Irish
Military General Service Medal 1793-1814, (5) clasps, 2nd Light Battalion, King's German Legion
Military General Service Medal 1793-1814, (9) clasps, 5th Line Battalion, King's German Legion
Military General Service Medal 1793-1814, (10) clasps to 94th Foot
Waterloo Medal 1815 to a Corporal, 2nd Regiment of Life Guards
Waterloo Medal 1815 to 10th Royal Hussars
Waterloo Medal 1815 to Ellott, 15th King's Hussars
Waterloo Medal 1815 to Holt, 16th Queen's Light Dragoons
Waterloo Medal 1815 to an Asst Surgeon, 18th Hussars
Waterloo Medal 1815 to An Officer in The King's German Artillery who was wounded in the Battle
Saxe-Gotha-Altenburg, War Commemorative Medal 1814-15, Bronze Gilt, NCO's issue
Army of India Medal 1799-1826, 1 clasp, Nepaul to an Assistant Surgeon
Army of India Medal 1799-1826, one clasp, (1) clasp, Kirkee and Poona, to Bombay European Regiment (Dublin Fusiliers)
Army of India Medal 1799-1826, one clasp "Poona" to an Officer in 6th Native Infantry
Army of India Medal 1799-1826, short hyphen, clasp "Nagpore" to 1st Foot, The Royal Scots
Army of India Medal 1799-1826, clasp, "Maheidpoor" to Artillery
Army of India Medal 1799-1826, one clasp "Maheidpoor" to a Conductor, Nizam's Service
Army of India, Clasp Bhurtpore to a Lieutenant, 32nd Native Infantry, later Colonel.
Candahar Ghuznee Cabul 1842 Medal to Wilkes, 40th Foot (Somersetshire)
Jellalabad Medal 1842, second type reverse, to 13th Somerset Light Infantry
China War Medal 1842 to H.M.S. to a Captain's Steward, H.M.S. Calliope
Maharajpoor Star Medal 1843, Lieut & Adjutant Moore, 56th Native Infantry
Punniar Star Medal 1843 to 9th Queens Royal Lancers
Sutlej Medal 1845-46, for Aliwal, one clasp Sobraon to 50th Regiment
New Zealand Medal 1845-66, reverse dated '1863 to 1866' to Gormedy, 2nd Bn. 18th Royal Irish Regt.
New Zealand Medal 1845-66, reverse dated '1861 to 1866' to Mullin, 57th (Middlesex) Regiment
Punjab Medal 1848-49, one clasp Mooltan to a Jemadar, 9th Bengal Native Infantry
Punjab Casualty Medal 1849 Clasp "Chilianwala" to 29th Regiment (Worcestershire)
Punjab Medal 1848-49, clasp, Goojerat to Clerke, 53rd Foot (Shropshire)
Punjab Medal 1848-49, (2) clasps, Chilianwala, Goojerat to Coates, 9th Lancers
Punjab Medal 1849 (2) Clasps "Chilianwala, Goojerat" to (Bengal) Horse Artillery
Punjab Medal 1849 with (2) clasps Mooltan, Goojerat to 1st Bombay Europeans (later Royal Dublin Fusiliers)
Indian General Service Medal 1854 with Persia clasp to 64th Regt. (North Staffordshire)
India General Service Medal 1854 with Persia clasp to 78th Highlanders
India General Service Medal 1854-95 for Perak to Knight, H.M.S. Ringdove
India General Service Medal 1854-95, clasp Perak to Ducker, Royal Artillery
Indian General Service Medal 1854 with Perak clasp to Russell, 10th (Lincolnshire Regiment)
Indian General Service Medal 1854 with Perak clasp to Summersby, 80th Regt. (Staffordshire Volunteers)
Indian General Service Medal 1854 with Perak clasp to Farrell, 80th Regt. (Staffordshire Volunteers)
India General Service Medal 1854, clasp North West Frontier to Roach, 6th Regiment (Warwickshire)
India General Service Medal 1854 with bar Northwest Frontier to Piefold, 19th (Yorkshire, Green Howards) Regiment
India General Service Medal 1854-95, clasp, Burma 1885-7, to a Q.M. Sgt. No. 9 Mountain Battery, 1st Brigade, Cinque Ports Div'n, R.A.
India General Service 1854-95, 1 clasp, Burma 1885-7, Bronze issue to a Syce, 1st Bombay Lancers
India General Service Medal 1854-95, Bronze issue, clasp, Burma 1885-7 to 2nd Madras Lancers
India General Service Medal 1854-95, Bronze issue, Clasp, Burma 1885-7 to a Joiner in The Transport Department
India General Service Medal 1854-95, 1 clasp, Burma 1887-89 to Moore, Norfolk Regiment
India General Service Medal 1854-95, 1 clasp, Burma 1887-89, to Russell, Rifle Brigade
India General Service 1854-95, 1 clasp, Burma 1887-89, Bronze issue to a Bhistie, Royal Artillery
India General Service Medal 1854 in Bronze, with clasp Hazara 1888 to a Cook, 13th Infantry
India General Service Medal 1854, Bronze issue, clasp Chin-Lushai 1889-90, to Bom C.T.D.
India General Service Medal 1854, Bronze issue, clasp Chin-Lushai 1889-90, to Bombay C.T.D.
India General Service Medal 1854-95, 1 clasp, Hazara 1891 to Harper, Royal Welsh Fusiliers
India General Service Medal 1854-95, 1 clasp, Hazara 1891 to Parry, Royal Welsh Fusiliers
India General Service 1854-95, 1 clasp, N.E. Frontier 1891 to 44th Bengal Infy. (Gurkhas)
India General Service Medal 1854-95, 1 clasp, N.E. Frontier 1891 to 4th Bn. K.R.R.C.
India General Service Medal 1854-95, 1 clasp, N.E. Frontier 1891 to Tolfree, King’s Royal Rifle Corps
India General Service 1854-95, 1 clasp, N.E. Frontier 1891 to a Civil Engineer
India General Service Medal 1854-95, Bronze issue, clasp Chin Hills 1892-93, to a Bearer, C.T.D.
India General Service Medal 1854-95, 1 clasp, Waziristan 1894-5, Bronze to a Cook, 33rd Bengal Infantry
India General Service Medal 1854-95, 1 clasp, Waziristan 1894-5, Bronze to Bengal Transport Department
India General Service Medal 1854-95, 2 clasps, Burma 1885-7, Burma 1887-89 to Colwell 2nd Bn R.W. Surrey Regiment
India General Service Medal 1854 with (2) clasps; "Burma 1885 - 7 / Burma 1887 - 89" to Tortman. King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry
India General Service Medal 1854-95, 2 clasps, Burma 1885-7, Lushai 1889-92 to Sergt. Waller, Bengal Commissariat Dept.
India General Service Medal 1854-95, (2) clasps, Hazara 1891, Hazara 1888 to Sergeant Main, The Seaforth Highlanders
India General Service Medal 1854-95, (2) clasps, Hazara 1891, Samana 1891 to Bugler Albert East, King's Royal Rifle Corps
India General Service 1854-95 / China / Long Service Group of (4) Medals to Veterinary Department
Crimean War Medal 1854, no clasp
Crimean War Medal, (3) clasps to 38th Foot, (South Staffordshire), Off. Impressed, Died at Scutari
Crimea Casualty Medal with (4) clasps, to Coldstream Guards, KIA Inkermann
Crimea / Mutiny Group of (3) Medals to a Captain, Royal Welsh Fusiliers, later High Sherriff of Monmouthshire
Crimea Medal 1854-56, (4) clasps, to The Royal Artillery / Royal Horse Artillery / Royal Marine Artillery
RESERVED - Crimea Medal 1854-56, (4) clasps to a Colour Sergeant, Coldstream Guards, killed defending Queen's Colour at Inkermann
Crimea Medal 1854-56,(4) clasps, Alma, Balaklava, Inkermann, Sebastopol to Sergeant Kelly, 1st (The Royal Scots) who Died in the Crimea.
Turkish Crimea Medal. British issue to Sergt. Cox, 40th Regiment (Wounded at The Redan)
Baltic Medal 1854-55, named to James Findlay (HMS Princess Royal)
Indian Mutiny Medal 1857-1859, to Magee, 13th Light Infantry
Indian Mutiny Medal 1857-59, no clasp to Smith, 13th Light Infantry (Somersetshire)
Indian Mutiny Medal 1857-58 named to Brooks, 1st Bombay European Regiment
Indian Mutiny Medal 1857-59 with Delhi clasp to 8th (King's Liverpool) Lee, who was Killed in Action at Delhi (from Cork)
Indian Mutiny Medal 1857-59, (1) clasp, Relief of Lucknow to Redding, 64th Regt. (Staffordshire)
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